대한민국 카지노

An American, A Broad

2009-04-12     원광대신문

<This is the 2nd installment of a series of Prof. Pauline White's e-mail logs she began in the Spring of 2008 when she first arrived to teach at the Department of English of Wonkwang University. She sends it out to friends and family to tell them about life in Korea and now she wants to share her thoughts with us.>


Day 2


Hi everyone,Thanks to all who responded.

Well, the luggage came this evening. Clean underwear and PJ's at last!! Visited the school today. I have a large office with my name on the door, a fifth floor walk up. Should be good exercise for the heart. The office is somewhat bare and could use some pictures. I have leather upholstered furniture, a coffee table, two large desks with swivel chairs but no computer.(I think you have to be able to read and write in Korean to get a computer.)

I have 6, two hour classes scheduled per week. Fortunately they are located near each other and I don't have to run around the campus.

Although I'm staying with friends, I do have a little one room kitchenette on campus, also quite bare at the moment.

I have until tomorrow to develop a syllabus and choose the books my students will need. Guess I'll be up late. Dinner is ready and I must go. I'll write again. I hope to get my own computer soon.


Luv to all.





Hi again,

I just wanted to add that I woke up this morning and it had snowed during the night. The trees were all beautiful bare except for ice crystals. This afternoon, all was gone. Yesterday Hyun-sil asked me how many snowstorms we had had this year in Connecticut. I said I wasn't sure but I thought that the name of the last storm started with a D. She replied that here they don't name snowstorms, they only name typhoons.

Thought you might find that interesting.


Luv to all, Pauline