대한민국 카지노

Too Much of Commercial "Days"

2012-05-18     원대신문

 Thesedays it is very easy and very common to hear somethingday, whatever people put infront is to make that day special. But in the other hand that kind of days make me feel bad about it. Why does every 14 th day of each month has a special day? It all started from Valentines day but how creative is it to make eleven more days based on one special day. what is the meaning of rose-day, kiss-day, hug-day, ring-day, and so on. I mean give me a break! Those days are so pathetic. Why can t people just do what they can during usual common days. I don t really think
its right to do something just because to follow the name of that day. It is really, really sad thing to be. Because it also means the person does not know what to do with common occasions. How sad is that.
 I do not know exact date when these days were started. When I was in elementary school it was mid 90's and kids were so sensitive with these days. Not just kids but the stores were ready for the items to sell followed by the day. Parents were usually very offended with it I remember, always told me those days are just for the sales marketing
stuff made up by companies, you should not get played with that days.
 Maybe this day culture is not so bad in the end. Because it gives chance to people who wants to tell and show how they feel to each other whom t h e y love, and gives precious memories to it.
 I guess every thin-g has its own good side and bad side of it. Maybe it shows how innocent you are and how you are not filled up with the eyes of what adults think. However when it comes to my opinion I think its pathetic. I hope everyone to make their own special day of their life.

Cho Jae Wan(the Department of Public Administration a sophomore)