대한민국 카지노

What Is Your Summer Vacation Plan?

2012-06-08     원대신문

 Time flies, now it is time to do our final exam for this years first semester. I still can remember the first day of this semester, but it is about to end. This fact makes me surprise with depression. What have I done so far during these time I have given. Did I study hard enough to say I did it with my full confident? Wasn t I too lazy to skip classes when I was hanging out with friends for a drink? What have I done so far? These questions are stuck in my head as I realize final exam period is right around the corner. Well as usual, I tell my self that I got next time to do my best. But this kind of answer does not makes me feel better anyhow.
 So I am planning to spend my summer vacation as efficiently as possible! I will participate local community volunteering through the summer and work part time to care my financial condition. Visits to my grandmother often will expand her life span for sure and other families also, to look back of my self to gain confidence in me by
rechecking my identity. Summer vacation can not be completed with out going beach with your love ones. Making some good unforgettable memories in your heart and use that to live your hard life. What else can you do or what are the plans of your own for this summer vacation? I believe every one of you has your own plans for it. I just want to make sure those plans come to you as reality not just ending in your mind.
 It is easy to end up with just planing so to prevent that, I tell my plans to people around me. It could be your brother or sister, mother or father, any body who you could trust and you could count on. So they can monitor you and tell you that your off or right on track of your own plan. This can give you more responsibilities to your self and to others. If you are in a junior then please enjoy your summer with full of joy, but remember that time flies. So do not be so lazy to keep up with a lot of different experience you could only gain during your college life. If you are in a senior then……. I guess you know how to spend your vacation.
 One of the professor said you must not regret your choice of doing something. This phrase could be come to you as a simple words but to me it gives me different meaning as I get aged. Few years before that phrase did not mean anything to me. Because I was confident with my choices of doing everything. But I realized being foolish with only trusting your young age is different with trying to live a serious life of your own. Good luck to you all!!

Cho Jae Wan(the Department of Pub
lic Administration a sophomore)