대한민국 카지노

Psychopath, They Are Born? Or Are Made By Modern World?

2014-03-01     원대신문

 It is widely known that most of serial killers get the diagnosis of psychopath from professionals. A behaviour pattern or their whole life of serial killer belonged to psychopath has been aroused controversy from many professionals who study deep into the criminals or diabolical crime. Why be cause, previously modern society, problems of serial killers belonged to psychopath do not rear up.
 However, many people, nowadays, are greater and greater interest in psychopath scrime such as destitute of emotions and lack of remorse or guilt. Psychopaths are social predators who charm, manipulate and ruthlessly plow their way through life, leaving a broad trail of broken hearts, shattered expectations without the slightest sense of guilt or regret. And also completely lacking in conscience and feelings for others, they selfishly take what they want and do as they please, violating social norms and expectations without theslightest sense of guilt or regret.(Hare,
Robert. D, without conscience, 1999)
 In this regard, most people have curious that psychopath commit serial killing is born or are made by modern society and they are full of cold-headedness? Almost serial killers who get the diagnosis of psychopath from professionals maintain that they born poverty family and live lowest class, therefore they choose antisocial actions to against the community. Whereas professionals support that they are originally born psychopath. It is belonged to a kind of mental illness. If they who have such characteristics would commit crimes like serial killing, they cannot feel emotion of victims like fear, afraid, scare. 
 But all the criminals not commit serial kill. The reason why a large proportion is consisted in psychopath of serial killers is because of childhood background. Almost the criminals live vicious circle of poverty or even if they born in normal family, they do not have to realign their wrong actions and do not be sincerely loved by their family. The children having mental illness called "psychopath" just commit cruel crime for paying attention of their parents like hurt or kill their friends. however many people do not interest in their inner mind or background as same as their parents such as what they do want to do or what they do want to talk about. Nobody give careful attention to children having mental diseases.

Hwang Sunbin (Enlgish literature 4th)