Recently international community has been aware of the use of chemical weapons in Syria, allegedly used by Syrian government because too much of its people died and wounded in the process of spraying Sarin-gas, which is said to be one of the most dreadful chemical weapons. Although Syrian government still denied its suspicion to kill more than 1,300 people, a recent investigation by the special joint investigation team of UN revealed that this tragedy results from the government's intention to take the initiative of 2-years-long civil war.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki moon said in a press conference "Such horrible attack to its people, toward humanitarian rights, cannot be tolerated and mankind needs to take actions on Syrian emergency, considering a variety angle of evidence examined by UN team". 

Whether the Syrian government is responsible for such appalling use of chemical weapons or not, it is evident that tragedy like this should not reoccur anyway in future. Mankind's limitless desires resulted in a lot of colonialism and imperialism which, in turn, made the world embroiled in many wars human could have avoided by peaceful diplomacy and humanism. Syrian accident is line with those desire. Rather than negotiation, peace, and compromise mankind can surely ensure, human have not searched for another world; a world that we can live together.

But we have to recognize this is not what we pursue. On earth, mankind still has a lot of poverty, famine, unfairness, unjustice, discrimination, and immoral violence that we can solve if mankind's desires to take all of what they want are removed together. 

On the fundamental basis like this, the United Nations was established and Universal Human Rights was also declared under the reflection that any form of wars among humans are not necessary and essential and should not reoccur in future.

I think we should be against all forms of violence and discriminations on Earth in that those dangers are threatening our hapiness and dignity and all of humans are brotherhood together. Human dignity, under the blessing of this planet, can be perfect if we are hand in hand right now.
Kim Dae Hoon (English Edu 3rd)
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