Again, Japanese government are trying to legalize and justify the right of collective self-defense, which enables it to intervene in case of emergency in its adjacent allies, especially South Korea, such as landing its troops in our land and operating military actions for security. It is not the same concept with the right of self-defense, which can fire back at the enemy in case of military emergency in its territory. The reason why Japanese wants to persuade U.S.A and Korea seems to be that it wants to have a kind of Army similar to that of other nations because it cannot have formal type of Army since the Peace-Constitution exists now. (The self-defense forces, they can have, of course.) Tokyo said in a statement that as the military threats from North Korea has become more and more serious enough to take action for itself, it is very appropriate for them to suggest the collective defense in Northeast region. 

However, I think it's just not simple case. Of course, a nation can defend its allies from other dangerous hazards in case its security is involved. But, we should remember what is going in Japanese Cabinet. It does not apologize the atrocity during WW2 sincerely, and tacitly allows its cabinet personnels to pay respect at shrine where the war criminals were buried. Also, it condemns our measures and actions in Dok-do for denying our complete sovereignty and suggesting its dominium. Even, it published right-wing-centered textbooks around its modern history, making frictions with involved nations.

So, in this context, Japanese's claim that it must have the right of collective self-defense cannot be accepted by us. And its reason that its action is for Korea's security cannot have any justification and rationality in that the pain and loss of our pride and identity during the colonialism are not completely compensated by the Cabinet. Therefore, instead of proposing the right solely, its sincere apology to Korea should be priority. As long as trust between Korea and Japan is not built on the faithful compromise that both nations go together as true companion in global era, its plan to expand its military influence in Asia and get the right of collective self-defense cannot stand.
Kim Dae Hoon (English Edu 3rd)
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