Cultural tourism is, nowadays, welcomed and encouraged in most countries where it is seen both as an opportunity to display national treasures and achievements to visitors, and also as a source of incomes and jobs.  However, inspite of these benefits, it can also pose severe problems for the specific sites which are visited.

 There are various advantages of cultural tourism for the sites themselves. They may benefit from increased income, part of which can be, for example, spent on improving museums and galleries and on more frequent and embitious exhibitions. Although these may be designed primarily to attract tourist, they are also available for local people to enjoy. Initially, local authorities recognize the values of their site, which they then invest money in. As a result, monuments and historical buildings are restored and protected. Additionally, visitors learn about the country, whose culture and customs are consequently understood and appreciated better by tourists and local people.
 On the other hand, cultural tourism has a number of drawbacks. The main one is that despite protective measure being taken, the sheer number of visitors can cause damage to monuments, such as acients temples, cave paintings. This means that an important part of national heritiges would be lost. Furthermore, In a region where the monuments are expected to generate income for the local economy, the site can be split by being surrounded by ugly hotels and other tourist facilites and some people think that visitors also does raise certain realistic fears about some harms that it may bring and visitors is corruptive for local cultures or their own historical buildings and sites. Finally, if too many tourists visit a site, it may lose its cultural significance within the local community. This is particularly the case of monuments whose religious or social importance makes them a central part of community life.
 On balance, while cultural tourism is generally beneficial, the problems which It causes can only be avoided with proper planning and sufficient investment in the protection and preservation of the sites which tourists visit. In addition, the number of tourists visiting certain sites should be restricted and they need to be also educated to respect them or even if .
Hwang Sun Bin (English literature 4rd)
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