This column will arrange differences between UK education and KR education based on knowledge during 12 weeks class in United Kingdom. It is mostly about environment, evaluation and direction of education. 
 First of all, the environment of education is apparently different in both countries. In the dimension of communication, UK has two-way communication and KR has one-way communication. A review of UK professors concentrate on debate or shared information, whereas KR professors concentrate on the unilateral delivery of the word in the class. And they also operate tutoring systems which is help continuously develop skill for students. 
 Secondly, the way of calculation of GPA is little dissimilar two nations. UK class assigns a lot of difficult homework to improve skill for students and then professors reflect the results in student's GPA a large portion. On the other hand, KR class assigns a few homework to acquire relevant-information about subject, and professors reflect the results approximately 10percent of student's GPA. In addition to the most important thing is the concept of plagiarism about the homework. In UK, when doing homework, it must write own my on or reveal the reference. On the contrast, it is really natural that to create the work based on other's work in KR. 
 Thirdly, the direction of education basically distinct between countries. Most of all high school students are going to the university developing career in Korea. It is just a bar to getting a job or career for show. However, UK university has different goal and the goal is close to the quality of education. They mostly attempt to develop professionalism in their major field. There's no pressure or suppression. In this sense, this direction of education catches my mind.
 In conclusion, KR education currently rated number 2 in the world, but it clearly has serious problems. All things considered UK education is better than KR education due to free environment that give more careful to students. And homework help enhance English skill even though it is too hard to do. After comparing both educations, it reveal the way to go in Korea education. 
Seong Ji Hye(The department of Information & E-Commerce 4rd)
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